



Experience Ukey cryptosystem

Here, Ukey cryptosystem is used as a universal network pay system, called as Upay. It can be used to pay or account transfer.The Ukey cryptosystem is combined with a new three password authentication system, called as UPWD authentication system. UPWD and Out-PWD are private,. In- PWD is generated by U-PWD and Out-PWD. H(H(IN-PWD)) +RND)) is sent to server for authentication. There are two versions implemented: the first, Pseudorandom version, Out-key is generated by pseudorandom generater. The second, true random version, Out-key is selected from true random files, which are a set of video files recorded from a camera with the lens cap on. Each user and server share a Ukey by physical method.

U-PWD authentication system is compitable with traditional password system. You can register both of them, and login to one system as you want. But for Upay, you must longin by Upassword. To register or login, you must make your Ukey and U-PWD file by dowload a random text file generator. For convinient, you can also download a guest Ukey and UPWD file.

To experience Ukey cryptosystem by the following procedure:

1. Select Internet Explore as the browser

2. Addin download and inststall
Addin UbitEn used for authentication;,UbitPay used for Pseudorandom Version,and UbitPay1 used for True random Versiio.

3. Download a Ukey and UPWD file for a quest; and downlioad a true random file
Usually, you should download the random text filfe generator to generater your owner Ukey and U-PWD file.

However, if you want to experience quickly, you can download a Ukey and U-PWD file for a quest; and downlioad a true random file. The guest has been registered; just need to login.

4. Login. In window, PWD is your Out-PWD, here is "1" at first, user is "guest". After click "submit", select you stored Ukey and U-PWD file.

5. Click "UpaySystem". Then above window appears, password is your Out-PWD. Select one version from Pseudorandom version and true random version. In plaintext window, input the trasactiion information; then click "submit".

6. Select and click your Ukey and U-PWD file from your storage device.

7. If you selected true random version, you also need to select a true random file.

8. At last, popup a window, show "交易成功“, which means "successfule"; or show ”交易失败“, which means "failer".


济南Ubit(多级信息科技有限公司)      地址:  济南经十路17513号(山东大学千佛山校区)

Contact us :  电话: (0531) 88395354    Email: u-bit@qq.com